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Age Category
Eligible for JK (Ontario)

How Age Categories Are Calculated

  • Infant: 0 to 17 months old
  • Toddler: 18 to 30 months old
  • Preschool: 31 to 43 months old
  • JK (Junior Kindergarten): 44 to 55 months old
  • SK (Senior Kindergarten): 56 to 71 months old
  • Aged Out: 72 months and older (over 6 years)

JK Eligibility in Ontario

In Ontario, children are eligible to start Junior Kindergarten (JK) in September of the year they turn 4 years old. For example, if a child turns 4 anytime in 2023 (even if their birthday is in December), they are eligible to start JK in September 2023.

This system allows children to start school as young as 3 years and 8 months, or as old as 4 years and 8 months when they begin JK in September.

Created by Niall Brown - Early Childhood Vision Consultant (ECVC), with assistance from AI. MIT License.